Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Nice has its beauties, but to me they're not as accessible as those of Paris.  It's crowded and noisy, and hard to get around until you've mastered the public transport.  It's packed full of high end shops for the tourists, big hotels everywhere, some shabby, a long shore by the Mediterannean, glittering sunshine and blue water (at least on this visit).   The whole crowded place is surrounded by layers of mountains, including some distant snow covered peaks.

The bus to Eze yesterday took us up the Corniche, past some spectacular views and amazing homes (practically castles) perched up on the rocks.  We were delighted to spend 3 euros for the ride, a considerable savings on the 50 it might have cost for a taxi.  Larry noticed that Uber is operating here, but we didn't try it out.  This week the trains are on strike.

Arriving in Nice by plane has been one of the highlights of the trip thus far.  The plane heads out into the Mediterannean as if it had accidentally missed the airport, and then seems to float over the water until suddenly making a sharp turn and heading down into the sea with engines roaring to land just on time on a runway rising out of the waves.  

Here's a picture of a turtle in one of the big public spaces in Nice.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like landing in SF. Always wondering where the runway is!
